Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Painting With Light

My nieces came to visit from Oregon this week. The first thing on their to do wish list…painting with light at the beach with Aunt Nessy!  The last two years we have camped each summer at Del Mar Beach Resort & Campsites on the base at Camp Pendleton.  
 Its a great campground for a busy troop of kids.

Essentially painting with light is done by taking a picture but keeping the cameras shutter open for an extended amount of time. While the camera is open it captures any available light that passes in front of it. Light appears as streaks or paint in the sky. The darker it is the longer you can paint.

We had a full moon so our time was generally thirty seconds. And the sky was gorgeous that night.

An A for Awesome...or a niece named Allie

We had a lot of glow sticks left over from last year, the first time I did this activity, so this time we cracked open 2x the amount of glow sticks, enough to share with other kids at the campground.  At one point I had ten kids running around in front of me. 

What happens when a truck pulls through the campground?

Some friend bumped the camera between shots so we got a little blurry. 
This shot was to cute to toss. 

The longer we played the more adults we had come down to find out what all the ohhs, ahhs and noise was about.

Near the end we did a single picture with each girl standing still in their best pose and favorite color. I have a cell phone app thats a flash light and that can be changed to any color.  
We had a very difficult time choosing a favorite!

This is my niece Mia... She wanted superpowers and likes the color green

My youngest niece Eva

My niece Allie the star

The girl's new friend Tegan who likes the color hot pink
A certain grandma forgot to keep moving so she became a ghost next to Tegan

Looking forward to doing it again next year!

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